2021: A Year in Review

Thank you for your generosity to Quechua Benefit. 2021 brought many more new challenges! Your support made it possible for us to continue our mission to break the cycle of poverty.

You made it possible for us to deliver over 20,000 masks, soap, and educational brochures to fight against COVID. Now more than 65% of Peru’s population is now fully vaccinated, and life is becoming more normal. 

In the spring, our older students happily returned to their Casa Chapi houses in Arequipa.

“This year I am extremely happy, as I can return to Casa Chapi and Arequipa to receive help with my studies . . . I am truly grateful to Mr. Alejandro and Quechua Benefit for the help they gave me and my family.” – Lizbeth

Our high school seniors are excited as they approach graduation. Your gifts to our Scholarship Program this year are making it possible for our current and future students to attend college.

Because of you, our Casa Chapi primary school students continued virtual learning, and their families received monthly food boxes.

Many of the kids visited Casa Chapi’s Chivay campus in August for reading and health assessment. A great bonus was getting to see their friends! They’re looking forward to in-person learning beginning March 7, 2022.

In May, The Sister Antonia Kitchen in Ichupampa reopened to serve the poor and elderly after months of closure due to the pandemic. In addition, we were able to open a new kitchen in Yanque on August 2nd. Both communities are preparing to add Women’s and Children’s Community Centers.

The best summary of the year comes from long-time Quechua Benefit friend and supporter Ruth Mogrovejo of Latin Collection. She conducted a Handicrafts Workshop with our Casa Chapi girls.

“The girls wish to learn to do something profitable for Quechua Benefit. The idea of making scarves that could be sold filled them with joy! They are girls of great talent, perseverance, responsibility and above all gratitude for Quechua Benefit.”

Thank you for your investment that is changing the lives of women and children. With your support, we’re helping them break the cycle of poverty!

Your gift today will make a brighter 2022 for women and children in the highlands of Peru!