You Did It! Casa Chapi Graduates Head to College!

Please join us to create a scholarship fund for the final stretch of their education journey to break the cycle of poverty!

Let’s support them together.

Casa Chapi opened in 2011 to help the children of poor alpaca breeders receive an education and break the multigenerational cycle of poverty. Because of you, Casa Chapi has grown every year. In 2017 and 2019 we added homes in Arequipa for Casa Chapi graduates to continue their education at secondary school.

Now, several Casa Chapi graduates are ready for the next step: college. Thanks to your generosity, Isaac, Ronald, and Wilfredo now attend SENATI Technical Institute. Without you none of this would be possible.

Now THIS is impact!

In 2012, Xeina’s mother brought her to Casa Chapi to give her the opportunity for a better future. Xeina is Casa Chapi’s first US exchange student and will graduate high school in 2022. Xeina’s vibrant personality was evident when she enrolled at Casa Chapi. A few years later, when we asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she replied, “When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. A doctor of kids.” She toured with the Matsiko World Orphan Choir in 2014, learning a little English. Then she moved to Oregon and became part of the VandenBosch family.

You can help all of their dreams come true! When you give to Quechua Benefit’s Scholarship Program for Casa Chapi graduates, 100% of your donation will help their families break the cycle of poverty forever!