From Casa Chapi to the USA: A New Life for Xeina

Xeina began living at Casa Chapi in 2012. Her irrepressible personality was immediately obvious. It soon became clear that she was smart and blessed with a curious mind.

Mike Safley was drawn to her when he heard her sing and saw how the other students looked up to her. When Mike asked her what she liked best about Casa Chapi, Xeina replied, “At Casa Chapi they love you even when you do something wrong.”

On a trip to Peru, Amanda VandenBosch made the comment to Mike that she would like to find a sister for her two boys. Xeina tells her own story from there:

“From the moment I got to the U.S., my whole life has changed. The changes started with not being worried about shelter, food, clothing, school supplies, and other things. Now I see the world from a whole new perspective.

“My school is the best! The teachers are so nice, and I learn a lot. I like the school’s extra activities. I’ve learned to ski and snowboard, and I have been a part of the cross-country team for two years. In my sophomore year my favorite classes were math and chemistry.

“In 2020 things changed for the worse. I experienced online schooling during COVID-19, but I love the in-person social interaction with my classmates and teachers. Now I am in the 11th grade.”

I cannot thank you all enough for everything you have done for me. My life has changed, and that is all due to all of you who have supported me.

When her brother graduated from high school in 2020, Xeina practiced for her own graduation that will happen in a few years!

Xeina has been blessed to be part of the VandenBosch family and attend Cascades Academy, where she has earned straight A’s. Thanks you to Quechua Benefit and the families of Cascades Academy who have provided scholarships for her. Xeina will graduate in 2022 and plans to become a physician.